
Return pending (London: Day Three)

Ini and I are up in the air somewhere above the Atlantic. I just finished a couple movies on the plane, "Blades of Glory" and "Reign Over Me." "Blades" was a lot of fun, but it's hard to keep myself from laughing too loud. It's tough watching comedies on plane flights. "Reign" was a pretty moving film, and I liked Sandler's acting. He really made me feel his pain, and it was a very sad pain.

Anyway, I wasn't quite ready to leave London. I wanted to see so much more. I wanted to see Tower Bridge. I wanted to see Oxford. I wanted to go to that place where Tolkien and Lewis had geeky talks about their fantasy worlds. Does this all mean I'll come back one day? I most surely hope so.

Coming home will be nice, though, but I don't look forward to seeing my room in my apartment. I had to clear everything from the walls because there was going to be some window replacements while I was gone. So everything is all heaped onto my bed and shoved to the far end of the room. Gross! Oh, well.

I'll just forget that for a while and watch another movie. "Amazing Grace," here I come!

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